Today I went to get the bean bag chair stuffing. I made the cover from old jeans and it came out so big that I had to take off some of the original length. I trimmed in total about 20 cm off the length from each end.Just so that I didn't have to cut the pockets on the sides. Otherwise I would have needed A LOT of stuffing. Now I only needed a little bit less... I bought 3 kg and there was a little left over. I got the inspiration from here. My own kids get to test this for the weekend and on Monday I'm going to donate this to the local daycare.
Tässä se nyt on VALMIINA. En ommellu vetskarin kun kolmeen kertaan... Pistetään ilta-askartelun ja väsymyksen piikkiin taas kerran. Mutta nyt se on oikein. Vetskari oli jostain vanhasta takista. Ompelin siihen stopparin niin, ettei aukea kokonaan. Se oli ainut riittävän pitkä vetskari varastossa tähän hommaan. Tein tuoliin sisäpussin vanhasta puuvillaverhosta. Sen sisällä on mujut ja se on ommeltu ympäriinsä kiinni. Tässä näkyy myös nämä koristelut, jotka ihan pikkusen lähti lapasesta.
So here it is FINISHED! I only had to sew the zipper in 3 times. That's what you get when sewing tired... But, now it's on correctly. The zipper is from an old jacket. I sewed a stopper piece on the end so that it won't come open. I sewed all the jean pockets I had stashed on each side of the chair. I figured the kids might like those... I also used a piece of waist band to add a handle on the bottom part. It's easy to pick up and if needed it can be hanged on a hook and off the floor. I might have gotten just a little bit carried away with the decorations... There's another bag made from an old cotton curtain inside that holds all the stuffing. It is sewed shut all around.
Alunperin ei pitäny tehdä mitään ommeltuja koristeluja, mutta sitten vaan olikin pakko.
I wasn't planning on adding any free motion sewing decorations, but then I just had to.
Koristeluja vähän lähempää.
A close up of the decorations. I used a large potato, a cookie cutter, and fabric dye to make the stars.
Nyt on kunnon kolo tehty yhteen kangaslaatikkoon. Toki, eilen killasta taisin saada sen jo täyteen...
I made a good dent in my fabric stash with this one. Although, after our quild meeting last night, I think that dent is already filled again...
Tikkaukset sopivat hienosti eikä niitä ole yhtään liikaa. Kiitos linkistä, laitoin sen talteen, jos vaikka joskus tekisin suvun pienimmälle